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Kloster St. Johann Müstair Kloster St. Johann Müstair


Objectives of the Foundation Pro Kloster St. Johann in Müstair

The main objective of the foundation is to employ publicly or privately financed funds or donations for the professional restoration and purposeful renovation of the convent complex. For some time a significant proportion of funding has come from private sources. The postcard campaign initiated by the former prioress Pia Willi has been very popular, and further activities within the convent community provide a significant contribution towards establishing a strong financial basis.

Keeping these objectives in mind the foundation is very careful to ensure that life in the convent is respected. Furthermore it works in close collaboration with the church authorities, such as the diocesan office in Chur, and academics, as well as with federal, cantonal, regional and local authorities.

Whilst the main task of the foundation is to raise funds and take care of coordination, the building commission – a joint body of the foundation and the convent – is responsible for all structural renovation and restoration work. The CEO of the Foundation – currently Ulrich Veith – is responsible for detailed planning and its practical application.